3 colheres das de sopa de azeite
5 fatias de bacon
1 cebola grande picada
2 dentes de alho
1 gomo de lingüiça calabresa
1 tomate picado
1 kg de carne seca dessalgada e previamente cozida
1/2 kg de arroz
1 litro de água
1/2 xícara das de chá de cebolinha verde
Aqueça o azeite em uma panela e frite o bacon. Coloque a lingüiça fatiada e frite. Junte o alho e a cebola e refogue. Acrescente o tomate picado e a carne seca cozida e desfiada. Cozinhe por alguns minutos. Agregue o arroz lavado e escorrido. Adicione a água quente. Cozinhe até secar a água. Desligue. Polvilhe com cebolinha verde.
Dica: Deixe a carne seca de molho de um dia para o outro, trocando a água por no mínimo três vezes. Em seguida, cozinhe na pressão e desfie.
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Did you hear there's a 12 word phrase you can speak to your crush... that will induce intense feelings of love and impulsive appeal to you deep inside his heart?
ResponderExcluirBecause hidden in these 12 words is a "secret signal" that fuels a man's impulse to love, idolize and care for you with his entire heart...
===> 12 Words Who Trigger A Man's Love Instinct
This impulse is so built-in to a man's genetics that it will make him try better than ever before to to be the best lover he can be.
Matter of fact, triggering this influential impulse is absolutely important to achieving the best possible relationship with your man that once you send your man a "Secret Signal"...
...You'll instantly notice him open his heart and mind to you in such a way he haven't expressed before and he will recognize you as the one and only woman in the galaxy who has ever truly attracted him.