6 xícaras das de chá de arroz cozido
1 pote de requeijão
sal e pimenta a gosto
salsa picada a gosto
200 g de peito de peru fatiado
200 g de mussarela fatiada
1 xícara das de chá de molho de tomate
1/2 xícara das de chá de queijo parmesão ralada
1/2 xícara das de chá de mussarela ralada
Em uma tigela, misture o arroz, o requeijão, o sal, a pimenta e a salsa. Em um refratário, untado com manteiga, alterne camadas de arroz, peito de peru e mussarela. Por cima despeje o molho de tomate, cubra com o queijo parmesão e a mussarela ralada. Leve ao forno preaquecido a 220ºC durante 20 minutos ou até os queijos derreterem. Sirva em seguida.
substitua o peito de peru por presunto fatiado.
Dona Sinhá
ResponderExcluirÓptima receita para um almoço agora, no nosso inverno.
Obrigada por partilhar.
Um beijinho
Okay then...
ResponderExcluirThis might sound pretty creepy, maybe even a little "out there..."
HOW would you like it if you could simply press "PLAY" to listen to a short, "musical tone"...
And suddenly attract MORE MONEY into your LIFE?
And I'm really talking about thousands... even MILLIONS of DOLLARS!!
Think it's too EASY? Think this couldn't possibly be for REAL?!?
Well then, Let me tell you the news..
Many times the greatest blessings life has to offer are the SIMPLEST!!
Honestly, I will provide you with PROOF by allowing you to listen to a real-life "magical wealth building tone" I've synthesized...
YOU simply click "PLAY" and you will start having more money come into your life... starting pretty much right away...
CLICK here to enjoy the wonderful "Miracle Money TONE" as my gift to you!!
Do you realize there's a 12 word phrase you can say to your partner... that will trigger deep feelings of love and instinctual attraction to you deep within his chest?
ResponderExcluirThat's because hidden in these 12 words is a "secret signal" that triggers a man's impulse to love, worship and look after you with his entire heart...
=====> 12 Words Will Fuel A Man's Desire Response
This impulse is so built-in to a man's brain that it will drive him to work harder than ever before to make your relationship the best part of both of your lives.
Matter-of-fact, fueling this influential impulse is so important to getting the best possible relationship with your man that the second you send your man a "Secret Signal"...
...You'll soon notice him open his soul and heart to you in a way he haven't experienced before and he will recognize you as the only woman in the world who has ever truly attracted him.
As reported by Stanford Medical, It is really the one and ONLY reason women in this country get to live 10 years more and weigh an average of 42 lbs lighter than we do.
ResponderExcluir(By the way, it really has NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret exercise and really, EVERYTHING related to "HOW" they are eating.)
BTW, What I said is "HOW", not "what"...
Click on this link to find out if this quick questionnaire can help you discover your real weight loss possibility